Original gravity: 13.8% by weight
Alcohol content: 5.8% by volume
Bottles of 0.5 l
In the development of the manufacturing process, the master brewer consulted old recipes. The Kirtabier can be classified as a separate Maerzen and Dark Export beer. It is brewed due to one of the most festive days in Bavaria - for church anniversary -. The intensive two-mashing process with the malt filling of three malts gives the beer its warm brown color and a balanced, strong, hearty malt accented bouquet. The wholesomeness of our Kirtabier is characterized by a high degree of fermentation, a pleasant liveliness and a clearly perceptible bitterness. The Kirtabier is "premium cloudy", that is unfiltered with the full basement taste for serving.
Праздничный пряный вкус, сбалансированный характер. Идеальное пиво, к ягненку.
Алкоголь: 5.5% по объему
Сусло: 13.2
Germany /Альгоерский пивоваренный завод – Allg?uer Brauhaus AG http://www.allgaeuer-brauhaus.de
Original gravity: 11.8 % by weight
Alcohol content: 4.9 % by volume
Bottle capacity: 0,5 l
The special feature of the Cellar Beer is the fine yeast turbidity and pleasant bitterness. Since it is bottled unfiltered, it remains much natural protein, yeast and hops constituents receive. Thus it retains its original character, and the beer connoisseur finds that fullness of flavor, this beer very drinkable. In addition, vitamin-and mineral-rich yeast makes from a nutritional point of view not to be despised contribution to health.
Крепкое пиво с благородным, насыщенным вкусом. Лучшие сорта солода, мастерски обжаренные придаютпиву великолепный цвет и аромат. Идеально подходит для стейков и оленины.
Алкоголь: 7.2% по объему
Сусло: 16.2
Germany /Альгоерский пивоваренный завод – Allg?uer Brauhaus AG http://www.allgaeuer-brauhaus.de