Ayinger Old-Bavarian dark

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Original gravity: 12.8% by weight
Alcohol content: 5.0% by volume
Bottle capacity: 0.5 l
Up to World War II, the dark beer was the predominant type of beer in the Munich area. Especially the hard water of the region has produced this special feature. Michael Jackson, world-famous English writer has, in his book "Beer International" Ayinger Altbairisch darkness follows aptly described: "A good example of its kind, almost impenetrably dark, golden-brown glow when you hold it against the light, and with warm aroma, malty flavor reminiscent of coffee and finish. It is brewed from five kinds of malts - two of them kilned dark -. And it is only lightly hopped "It is made in the traditional two-mash process.

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— Милый, ты меня любишь?

— Да.

— Тебе хорошо со мной?

— Очень. Еще бы пивка.

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