Original gravity: 11,8 % by weight
Alcohol content: 5.0 % by volume
Bottle capacity: 0.33 l
For centuries the Bavarian brewers understand their craft and brew Pilsner beers therefore excellent. But it was a Bavarian brewmaster, who has brewed in Pilsen Pilsener beer after the first kind. The fine gloss, light-yellow Ayinger beer smells fine Hallertau hop flavor (this is used only in the Ayinger beers!). The beer is fermented and therefore highly first draft in lean, but also mild and extant in the body. Our beer impresses by the flowery aroma of hops and shows a pronounced bitter aftertaste that fades quickly.
Ayinger Bavarian Pils
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Posted in Германия | Tagged Германия
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— У нас для Вас 3 новости, хорошая, плохая и великолепная.
— Давайте сначала плохую. — Ваша жена утонула — мы ее вытащили из воды.
— А какая хорошая?
— Мы с нее собрали ведро здоровенных раков.
— А какая великолепная?
— Завтра мы ее снова вытащим и приглашаем Вас на пиво!
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